Tuesday, April 6, 2010

3 Places at Once and a Little Bit of Dancing as Well

If you've ever seen the movie A Walk to Remember, then you know the trick to being in two places at once. You simply straddle the line between states, or countries. Well On April 6th I was technically in three places at once. The Prime Meridian of the world lies in Greenwich. By placing a foot on either side of the line, you are in the Eastern Hemisphere, the Western Hemisphere, and the Northern Hemisphere (Not quite as cool if you think about the fact that you are always in two hemispheres, but still, three hemispheres at once!).Could you imagine being at the Prime Meridian and the Equator... It would be like the Four Corners (U.S.) but the Four Corners of the World.  I thought about a flat map, that cut off at the prime meridian, but like some video games, when you went off one side, you would appear on the other. If it was Me, I would have hopped back and forth from the two sides of the screen. After straddling hemispheres we spent some time at the National Maritime Museum, checking out relics of ships and paintings and an entire exhibit on Nelson.

We were also able to experience a rather fun Easter Monday Celebration, where a group of men in bells and ribbons danced with sticks and handkerchief and then lifted a "virgin" in a chair as an offering to the Anglo-Saxon Goddess Eastre (where we get the name Easter). Libby got to be one of the offerings to the Goddess and was lifted in the air by ten or so men three times. When they brought her back to the earth they all took turns kissing her on the cheek, and getting in line three times to do it over and over again.
Libby being offered to the Goddess Eastre
 Eastre Dancing

We were also able to find a new market (our new favorite hobby) that got us all quality gifts and a few cute things for ourselves. Overall, a beautiful day, no matter which hemispheres we were in.

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