Monday, February 22, 2010

The British Museum

Today I ventured out to find the British Museum, and find it I did. This place is huge, housing mummies, the Rosetta Stone, parts of the Parthenon, hundreds if not thousands of books and so, so much more. I used an entire 1GB memory card and didn't even see the entire museum. You can be sure I'll be going back.

Below, there are 280 something pictures of Greek, Roman, and Egyptian artwork, mostly sculptures. Many of the pictures of sculptures are followed by a picture of the plaque discrib describing what the statue is of.

Things of Notice:

"DUM DUM, Bring me GUM GUM?" - You'll know it when you see it.

Rosetta stone, the key to understanding Egyptian Hieroglyphics, and it's replica. Housed in two different parts of the museum, one behind glass and one not.

"Hercules, Hercules, Hercules!"

A King of Egypt or two... or 12, I lost count.

Lots of bodies missing heads, or arms... torsos really, makes me think the Ancient world was more about battle than art.

Gods... and whole lot of them. Of course if you remember that most of the Greek and Roman gods are the same, it pairs the number down a bit, but then you have to add in all those Egyptian Gods and their kings who were thought of as gods... then all those guys who called themselves Gods... Deity Parties must have been packed in the Ancient world.

What would an English Museum be without at least one Harry Potter item?

I will be going back to the Museum to get a better look around. In April they are having a Renaissance exhibit with work from Michalagelo and Da Vinci and all those other names that everyone knows. I can't wait for that one.


  1. I am insanely jealous!!!! I can't believe all the awesome stuff you're seeing. Stinker!

  2. As I've told everyone else that is jealous, you are more than welcome to come visit me anytime before May 9th

  3. Right. Cuz all that cash I am making needs to be spent.
