Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Walking Day

I decided I needed a day to myself. A day that I spent doing exactly what I wanted to do, by myself with no timetable. So, I walked. I left the college at noon, turned left and walked at least a mile and a half until I found a cheap hair salon. I got my hair cut and continued in the same direction, getting peaks of the Olympic Stadium, and Bow Street Church (which is built in the middle of the road, and has a cemetery and everything). Close to two miles later I found myself at Stratford Mall, where I spent some time shopping (New favorite store called, Internacionale, where everything was on sale) before catching the bus back to school.

I made it back to campus around 3:30pm, dropped off my bags and then caught the tube down to Hyde Park to find Peter Pan. I have to report that, due to the fact that I had no idea where in Hyde Park Peter was located (no where, technically he is in Kensington Gardens, the park directly next to and only separated by a single road from Hyde Park) I never found him. I did spend two hours walking through the huge park however, finding a statue of an Isis bird, Princess Di's Fountain, Queen Caroline's memorial, Cupid's Fountain, and the Rose Garden with an interesting statue of a boy and a fish. Hyde Park and the Serpentine (the lake inside Hyde Park) let you completely forget you are in the center of London for just how huge they are. I could have told you the water behind me was the Thames River, and I bet you all would have believed me. It was a beautiful, and quite place that I'm sure I'll be spending much more time in, in the future.

Overall it was a beautiful day to walk for hours and enjoy the slightly chilly but dry weather of London, no sun, but who needs sun when your in the most beautiful place in the world?

Statue of Cupid

The Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park

The Reform Tree

Me in front of the statue of the boy and the fish

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