Friday, March 12, 2010

In Wonderland and Oz

As many of you know, Alice in Wonderland came out last Friday and kicked Avatar's butt for highest grossing 3D film on opening weekend. Libby (flatmate) who is a huge fan of Tim Burton, and I decided to go see it the day after we got back from Wales (neither of us have Monday classes). While I would have been ok with watching it at the local 5 pound cinema, she suggested we go to Leicester Square, where the actual World Premier happened just two weeks prior. We are going to skip the part where the tickets were 16 pounds (Don't try to convert that, it is much too painful). Going to this Cinema was like going to a play. We bought our tickets for very specific seats, and actually sat where the movie stars and directors and all sit when watching the World Premier. The theater was huge, they had gold reliefs on the side walls, and the screen was HUGE. The movie was Awesome, I loved it. Most memorably when Libby and I looked at each other and then back at the caterpillar and went "Snape!" I don't care what people say about this movie, I thought it was brilliant.

On Wednesday we took a trip into another far away imagined land, the Land of Oz. IFSA got us 14 pound tickets to see Wicked, and I have to say it was probably the best 14 pounds I've spent while here. What an amazing story, with amazing music and costumes and acting. I can see why it is one of the highest grossing plays world wide. Wicked has to be the best Musical I've ever seen, and now I can understand why everyone in high school was obsessed with it.

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