Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Getting Ready, 19 Days

In 19 days I will board a plane in Las Vegas, Nevada, fly to Chicago, Illinois, then to Newark, New Jersey, and take an overnight flight to Heathrow Airport, London, England, and so my six month adventure will begin.

This is an extremely exciting and odd time for me. I am filled with this powerful need to go, and yet a jarring pull to stay with my friends. This is an attempt at the very least to document the next six months, and keep in contact with the important people in my life. I plan on posting pictures, plans, stories, ideas, shout outs and so much more of what I know will be an even more dramatic move on my part, than leaving for college was.

For now let me leave you with an address for where I will be living and a viritual tour of the itty bitty room I get to sleep in.

Pooley 30E
Pooley House, Westfield Way
London, E1 4PU

(You want to go to the top right corner of the map, and select Pooley house, one is the residence's the other is the community kitchen)

Over and out,
L3 Shannon

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